Along my travels, I have stumbled upon, been sought out by and pursued individuals that have the exceptional ability to boldly express themselves through their own personal style. Now in some, this may seem subtle and considered just someone who gives attention to detail in the way they dress. Society may call them polished, dapper, elegant or refined. Others who perhaps draw further outside the lines, the fearful unadventurous may call them misfits, odd or freaks.
I call them all Street Unicorns, bold expressionists of style. Not measured by the extent of being unconventional, but by the common fact that they resist choosing what is expected of them by advertising, friends, family and society in general. The calculated choices we make by presenting ourselves in a unique way says we matter. It says this is me and perhaps because we are not all quite the same, we can learn and grow from each other.
And now on these pages, I share their images, viewpoints, and aspirations in an effort to not only to encourage and inspire, but to have people gain more acceptance and appreciation for others in today's culture. Street Unicorns speaks to current issues including race, immigration, ageism, gender identity and sexual orientation with an emphasis on promoting diversity and inclusion.
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Below are some sample pages from the STREET UNICORNS book. The release shares the portraits, viewpoints, and aspirations of more that 250 bold expressionists of style.